Sunday, April 10, 2011

Health condition Better Insurance Financial

Major Leader president finally won the battle to pass the bill that expands Financial

health condition

Better power strategic insurance talk insurances penetration to the unreached segments of society.

32 million

citizens of the United States (U.S.) can breathe easier because it has

been protected by an Better power strategic insurance talk insurances system that provides free

Financial health condition care.

Most of them sneering Republican efforts against ratification of this

bill - the grounds would be critical for the country's financial and

create new taxes for the haves in the US-as an effort to rich persons

not to cross-subsidize the poor.

Republican camp might have forgotten that social issues like this are

not popular in the community who had just hit the biggest Financial

crisis after the recession of the 1930s. They were too busy fuss about

Financial health condition Better power strategic insurance talk insurances fund that cuts income upper class

without realizing

that it is curative and merely superficial. If only he had put forward

the issues such as preventive promotive and preventive for U.S. society

do not fall ill as a reason for refusal in advance, the end result will

probably be different.

In Asia, many public figures who suggest perberlakuan National Social

Awareness Incurance Security System (Navigation) as soon as possible.

More or less the same

reasons; equitable Financial health condition care for all citizens of this


country. The question now is how long and how much budget to spend

whether if we only pay for Financial health condition care for the sick without

prevent our

society from falling ill?

This pain is caused by the strong paradigm of the handcuff policy

makers in this country. Each time Questioning Financial health condition, which

appears on

their minds is Financial health condition care (medical serMajor Leaders), such as

Financial health condition centers

and hospitals (RS), and areas where persons lying and sitting waiting

for medical intervention by Financial health condition personnel. Though pain is a


process that begins by normal conditions (no pain). Like a river flows

downstream stop regardless of the amount of water flow should be

reduced in the upstream, the application regardless of the effort SJSN

promotive / preventive is something futile.

Perhaps this always is why we are unable to reach strata Asia utopian

Financial health conditiony 2010 that proclaimed the Ministry of Financial health condition

(Kemkes) nearly a

decade ago. Financial health condition bureaucracy more concerned with logistics

supply of

medicines and Financial health condition care facilities rather than Financial

health condition education and

prevention is cheaper and more effective. Part of our Financial health condition

workers in

the Financial health condition center is designed like a fire extinguisher; just


waiting and give Financial health condition care when the "fire" has been raging


Financial health condition promotion efforts in the form of posters and messages


appeal on the walls of Financial health condition centers due to lack of budget

that has

largely been sucked up curative efforts.

The paradigm that makes persons sick as an investment and source of

funds is unfortunately even been adopted by our Financial health condition

Better power strategic insurance talk insurances

system. Community lulled by the safety net of hospitalization by

Better power strategic insurance talk insurances serMajor Leader providers. The message caught clear: why


maintain Financial health condition, yet if ill, care and treatment will be free?.


Better power strategic insurance talk insurances company did not bother to cover the cost of

promotive /

preventive of illness are consequencies factors (consequencies factor) is the main

attraction for the public would use their product. Conversely, Financial

health conditiony

is a condition that must be avoided because it is not valued


Supposedly, in addition to SJSN embodiment, the government is always

promoting prevention efforts in the upstream. Should be considered a

legal product promotive / preventive as a companion implentasi SJSN.

Legislation is always useful to erode the curative paradigm that gripped

so far. If not, we will open a Pandora's Box-financing continued to

swell due to the number of sick persons who continue to grow and

par-higher taxes, the grief will be borne by our grandchildren in the


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